22 Jun 2018


Walking past the spot on the street where
The old guy died
Laying there after being hit
The car nowhere to be seen
I feel this small thing
Inching down my neck into my chest
I can’t recall which one it is
There are more and more
Old age shit
Summer pills, winter pills
Oils, lotions and

There used to be mornings
Get up
Brush teeth and get dressed and
Get the fuck out of the house
But as my temples fade to grey
More bottles
Things and bits are needed
Before key turns lock
It can all feel like needing a shield
Against the big bad outdoors
Oh I forgot the eye drops

The road there now has fresh white
Crossing lines painted down
And a new island in the middle
I guess someone has to die for
something good to be done around
He was laying there under
Somebody’s jacket
Ambulance on route but you could tell
He was already gone
8.30am so he didn’t get to wherever
He was headed

The pill finds its way down
I stop to buy a coffee to help it on the way.

15 Jun 2018


Wilful disobedience has not
Paid off well
And yet this uncontrollable urge
To grab the wheel and
Peel off of the smooth tarmac
Across and down into the margins

Dress it up as you like
The maniacal nature
Of the principled man
But the truth comes up
You gag on it
And they see it
Clear as spit on your chin

But now
I grind away at it
As it in turn grinds me down
The uphill walk to normality
To concession and compromise
Every day
Is a string of pearls
Waiting to be snapped.