11 Oct 2017

New Work. Oct 2017

Weird people

Not the different
Not the odd
Not the dysfunctional
Round peg in square hole

But the weird
Those who are kind of
Slippery and glossed
Calm and sallow with a
Volume never above a mediocre

Untrustworthy and nauseating
Happy and agreeable and
Out for themselves only
Ever and for

They are sly and cut like razors
And so you bleed out before even
Finding a wound
And they are the majority
The climbers like
Spiders on a web of success
Reaching the top and dying
Still ignorant but richer

 Normal people

We are small
And caring and look too far
See too much
We understand the fire
The insect and the elephant

You have no idea
The difficulty in maintaining this
To awaken every morning into anything but
And yet still become the shape of it
The weight of normality continuing
Permanently crushing
Unceasing and tireless

Our days an unseen high-wire act
Between street and office and café and
Finally home
And throughout our finite tolerance
We still manage to love and compound our art
Into the everyday hum

And it becomes at times impossible
To maintain the
Façade that we are part of this
Square onto square onto

And we are small
But not the smallest
We look too far but are not blinded
By it
We are nothing like you.