A string of war movies
Cowboy movies
Anything except the real world
The vultures have circled for so long
They too have given up and
Flown home
The grey sky full of nothing now
But cloud and smoke and
Dreadful promise
And new habits form
Those of survival and denial
Which you mould and re-form into regret
But still a new and shining version
Of a time honoured disappointment
Until the unavoidable occurs
And there you are
Reading the morning headlines
The words seeping in
Old water from a broken pipe
Time has been decided by the devil himself
A game played on a broken watch
Nothing certain but purgatory
And so
I will go out under cover of darkness
And set fires across the city
Burn the palace
Torch the god’s houses into grey ash
Something to feel in control
Something to create life
Anything to jump start the failing world.