12 Mar 2021

Come and get your steak


It was one of those days like one of those nights when

The storm blew into your face

Whichever way you stood

The world forcing its way down your throat

No escaping the shift of seasons

Unsubtle and sharp


The old lady tried to walk against it up the hill

The dog

Half dead

Followed on 3 legs

The 4th limping as an afterthought


They were both fat and close to death

I bet myself which would be the first to go

And whether it would happen before they reached the



I heard the mutt cough and gasp

            ‘come get your steak’ she garbled to it


I wasn’t sure if that was a bribe to keep moving

Or a reward for already crawling that far along the street

She dropped her 5 carrier bags and began to rummage around

I kept walking


A steak sounded good

But I needed to get out of this goddamn hurricane

That was cutting at me

Forcing me to stay still and

Keeping me from reaching summer in one piece.